Download The Art of Coaching Effective Strategies for School Transformation Elena Aguilar 9781118206539 Books

Hands-on resources for new and seasoned school coaches
This practical resource offers the foundational skills and tools needed by new coaching educators, as well as presenting an overview of the knowledge and theory base behind the practice. Established coaches will find numerous ways to deepen and refine their coaching practice. Principals and others who incorporate coaching strategies into their work will also find a wealth of resources.
Aguilar offers a model for transformational coaching which could be implemented as professional development in schools or districts anywhere. Although she addresses the needs of adult learners, her model maintains a student-centered focus, with a specific lens on addressing equity issues in schools.
- Offers a practical resource for school coaches, principals, district leaders, and other administrators
- Presents a transformational coaching model which addresses systems change
- Pays explicit attention to surfacing and interrupting inequities in schools
The Art of Coaching Effective Strategies for School Transformation offers a compendium of school coaching ideas, the book's explicit, user-friendly structure enhances the ability to access the information.
Download The Art of Coaching Effective Strategies for School Transformation Elena Aguilar 9781118206539 Books
"As a new coach, this book has been a life saver. Elena gives real examples and suggestions in easy to understand language. I quote Elena's book when talking to my principal, instructional data teams and supervisor, and I flip through it for encouragement for myself at times too! This is the best coaching book available! (And her website is incredible too!)"
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Tags : The Art of Coaching Effective Strategies for School Transformation [Elena Aguilar] on . <b>Hands-on resources for new and seasoned school coaches</b> This practical resource offers the foundational skills and tools needed by new coaching educators,Elena Aguilar,The Art of Coaching Effective Strategies for School Transformation,Jossey-Bass,1118206533,Administration - General,Employees;Coaching of;Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Mentoring in education;Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Teachers;Training of.,Coaching of,EDUCATION / Administration / General,Education,Education / Teaching,Education/Leadership,Education/Professional Development,Employees,GENERAL,General Adult,Handbooks, manuals, etc,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Leadership,Mentoring in education,Non-Fiction,Professional Development,Pädagogik / Bildungswesen,Teacher Education (K-12),Teachers,Teaching skills techniques,Training of,United States,resource for school coaches, skill building for school coaches, knowledge base of school coaches, tools for school coaches, best practices of school coaches, the school coaching cycle, common school coaching challenges, school coaching professional development, transformational coaching, coaching for equity, coaching in schools, coaching for educators, educational coaching, teacher improvement,resource for school coaches; skill building for school coaches; knowledge base of school coaches; tools for school coaches; best practices of school coaches; the school coaching cycle; common school coaching challenges; school coaching professional development; transformational coaching; coaching for equity; coaching in schools; coaching for educators; educational coaching; teacher improvement,EDUCATION / Administration / General,Education/Leadership,Education/Professional Development,Leadership,Professional Development,Education / Teaching,Coaching of,Employees,Handbooks, manuals, etc,Mentoring in education,Teachers,Training of,Education,Teaching skills techniques,Pädagogik / Bildungswesen
The Art of Coaching Effective Strategies for School Transformation Elena Aguilar 9781118206539 Books Reviews :
The Art of Coaching Effective Strategies for School Transformation Elena Aguilar 9781118206539 Books Reviews
- This book is unlike any other that I have have found and I have walls of books on education, school reform and the like. "The Art of Coaching", though, offers both a very practical, concrete and accessible path into coaching, and it is so much more sophisticated and nuanced than that. Showing a fierce commitment to equity, a compassion for those who are being coached and a set of reflections and tools that also transform the coach, this book is frequently used in my work.
In addition, we have a team of five coaches who meet monthly based on this work. Sometimes we rad from it, we always apply the lenses and it always supports us and helps us to grow. You will not be disappointed by this purchase.
I've been a high school teacher and secondary AP/Principal and now am coaching. This book would have been applicable in all of those roles. - I bought this book as I was going into my first year as an Instructional Coach. This book provided realistic and meaningful strategies, resources and advice that is readily applicable. Be sure to use the accompanying online resources and book study components as well!
- It is a book for the soul of those coaching in learning organizations. Inspiring and clear. It's language is delightful. Many practical resources and great advice. It's been an exceptional resource in my masters, specifically in my coaching course.
- If you have a new coach in your school or system..... this is a must read. Having served as a coach I had never put words to my thoughts. This is a great starting and restarting point every year. Coach principals who know it all to brand new teachers without a clue..... you will learn a great deal in reading and discussing this book.
- This book answers so many questions about the actual how-to of coaching in the public schools. The real-life examples and anecdotes are inspiring, and sometimes frightening. Every school leader and coach would read this book. I am impressed by the detailed strategies, and encouraged by what could be possible for schools that take on this kind of transformational process.
- First of all... Big congratulations and thank you for this book. I am blown away! Perhaps it is one of the first coherent road-maps for this path. So detailed! Wonderful to have the quotes from other coaching books, the anecdotes. I love the concrete advice, as well as the coaching stance for the inner voice. As an educator, I'm often asked to 'coach and facilitate', but without any tools for that. This book is very compassionate.
- As a new coach, this book has been a life saver. Elena gives real examples and suggestions in easy to understand language. I quote Elena's book when talking to my principal, instructional data teams and supervisor, and I flip through it for encouragement for myself at times too! This is the best coaching book available! (And her website is incredible too!)
- Can't recommend this book enough. Full of the theory and practical ways to apply the theory when coaching a teacher.